I have been terrible at blogging this year! I've just been too busy this year to keep up :(
In an effort to incorporate more informational text, I often have "Article of the Week" in which students read an article that I have printed for them and we discuss the current event the article is about. Then I try to connect the article to the text we are reading - not always an easy feat I might add!
My 9th grade ELA team and I decided to take the AOW one step further and make it GLOBAL Article of the week (G-AOW). This has to be one of the best ideas we've come up with. Each month, we dedicate to a different continent and each student gets to choose a country within that continent. Each week, my students are required to look up one article that falls underneath a specific topic - sports, hot topic, politics, arts/entertainment, science/medicine, etc. Only one article per week, and if they chose a sports article the first week, they can't use another sports article for the rest of the month. Since I teach ninth graders, we focus on annotating and creating a PPT of what we have learned. Students are able to share what they learned by inputting 4 most interesting facts about their country in a Google Form and it is embedded into an interactive map that is then posted on my class webpage where students can check it out and see what current events are happening in countries they were not assigned.
The product is available in my store now!

Until next time...
Ms. Bergin